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Vargr Moon



Gentlemen, behold!

Super Weapon entry and description form:

This is the form to fill out for any super weapons you wish to be used in Ancerious, this needs to be done individually so the admins can decide exactly what goes where and how many slots this will take up of your super weapon slots.

Name: Vargr Moon

What exactly does it do:
Vargr Moons are massive bioweapons designed to enter the upper most layer of a star and consume the energy and matter located there. They then use what they harvest to grow a vast variety of bioweapons. It is these bioweapons that do the fighting, and they do a very poor job of it.
The creatures that the Vargr Moon grows are generally very fast and very well armored, but tend to lack any real weaponry. That’s not to say they don’t have weapons, it’s just that what weapons they do have tend to fall on the lower end of destructive power. To make up for this, Vargr Moons create vast numbers of creatures very quickly, the idea being to grind a superior enemy into submission using nothing but numbers.

The variety of creatures that Vargr Moons can create is nigh-infinite, but they all fall into several groups with unique roles.

1) Planetary Bombardment
These creatures are the largest created by a Vargr Moon, with the largest exceeding twenty miles in length.[1] Despite their mass, these creatures usually possess very little in the way of weaponry, being made almost entirely out of armor and engines.
‘But then how do they bombard planets,’ I hear you ask.
The answer is quite simple really. They ram them. Most of the time these creatures decelerate before impact to minimize damage. It still kills the creature, but its death is used to deliver countless thousands of bioweapons to the planet.
The creature is still just as capable of ramming a planet at full speed to cause as much damage as possible. Because let’s face it, something that big travelling at any speed is going to do some real damage.
Length: 5mi – 26mi
(The largest on record was thirty-two miles long, but this was a random occurrence, a fluke during the growth period, and is not typical)

2) Da Rammers
These creatures rarely exceed one mile in length as being any larger would be detrimental to their purpose. They possess engine stacks, allowing them to outrun just about anything in space. This is important because they’re main (see, only) method of attack is to ram an enemy ship, impaling it with a knife like head, then latching on with long grasping tentacles, all so that it can release vast swarms of bioweapons into the ship to kill its crew, rendering it effectively dead. This is a one shot deal as the creature is almost always killed by the immense impact of it hitting an enemy ship. Thankfully, its tentacles can go on living long after it has died, holding to the ship long enough for every last creature in its bowls to swarm into the doomed ship.
Length: 1000’ – 6000’

3) Artillery
These creatures are more like giant lasers with some armor and engines added on as an afterthought. Due to the massive power draws of their weapon, they generally only get five shots before they’re spent. They naturally build up energy, but taking fire speeds up the process considerably. Unfortunately, they are still rather frail and rarely get to use this to its full potential.
Length: 1mi – 3mi

4) FTL Denial
These creatures use the same organs that allow all bioweapons to enter hyperspace, but on a much grander scale. They can use these organs to create a hyperspace pulse that interferes with FTL. Interfere, not stop. At the very least it increases the amount of power it takes to enter and remain in FTL and at most it makes it downright hazardous to enter FTL.
These pulses also mess with navigation and sensors of all kinds, making it difficult for everyone to see straight.
These creatures always possess hyperspace fields.
Length: 500’ – 4mi

5) Warrior
Warrior creatures are large, armored beasts with powerful claws and blades for quickly destroying enemy ships. Despite their size, warriors are incredibly agile, easily capable of twisting mid flight to dodge enemy fire. They sport very little ranged weaponry, so have to close in to smash and hack an enemy vessel to bits. Something they quite enjoy.
Length: 4mi – 6mi

6) Swarm Singular
These creatures are all roughly human sized and lack everything important in space combat: firepower, armor, speed, mobility, shielding. To make up for this, huge numbers of these creatures band together to form massive swarms that can put out surprising amounts of damage. As a swarm, these creatures can overwhelm almost any one ship. But the individual creatures that make up the swarm are still very weak and even a glancing shot from a capital class weapon can kill hundreds if not thousands of them.
Individual Length: 4’ - 9’
Swarm Length: 500’ – 50mi [2]

7) Swarm General
These small creatures are the equivalent of fighters. Due to the power draw of biological laser weaponry, their relatively small size, and how poor biological organs are at storing massive amounts of energy, these creatures rarely have ranged weapons. Instead, relying on their speed and maneuverability, combined with the sheer number of them to overwhelm enemy fighters or their equivalents.
These creatures are also able to enter enemy capital ships, wrecking all sorts of havoc inside them.
Length: 10’ – 20’

8) Carrier
Carriers do exactly what their name implies. They carry stuff. Specifically they carry both kinds of swarms in addition to vast quantities of terrestrial bioweapons through hyperspace.
These creatures can help in planetary bombardment by cocooning the smaller bioweapons in a hard shell and shooting them at the planet. But other than that, these creatures possess very little else in the way of weapons. They do a rather good job of ramming stuff though.
Length: 2mi – 5mi

9) Flesh
These particular creatures completely lack the chitonous shell of the other bioweapons. Instead of fighters, they act as scavengers that swallow small asteroids and the ships destroyed by the more violent bioweapons to haul into neutral space for planetary harvests to process.
Length: 1mi – 10mi

10) Bio-Plasma Cannons
These parasitic creatures take root in the larger bioweapons during development. After they have both reached maturity the parasite will draw nutrients from its host. In exchange, the plasma canon will defend its host from attack by shooting great gouts of plasma at any threat.
These creatures can continue to fire on enemies long after its host has died, making them exceedingly dangerous as battles go on, as it litters the battlefield with sentient anti-capital ship weapons.
The number of parasites that can infect a creature at any one time can vary drastically. Some creatures may have none, others could have as many as a thousand or possibly even more.

Some of the creatures possess a form of shielding known as a Hyperspace Field[3] but this is very rare.

Physical Capabilities:
Vargr Moons live inside stars. They can do this thanks to some really fancy genetic, atomic, and hyper-spatial engineering that quickly diverts the massive heat and crushing gravity generated by the star into organs that act as a combination generator, battery, and capacitor. This all adds up to Vargr moons being giant sponges that soak up any and all forms of energy. They then absorb the surrounding matter and use this energy to grow bioweapons to launch into enemy systems.
Because of its natural environment, the shell of a Vargr Moon is incredibly resistant to any form of damage.

Vargr Moons are capable of using the same process to used to grow bioweapons to grow and change themselves. Most notably, when under attack, Vargr Moons can grow a large ‘mouth’ that concentrates and then fires the surrounding star matter into a massive plasma beam capable of cutting an attacking ship in half.

For all intents and purposes, the Vargr moon is forced to remain in place. It is also a very large target, and rather fragile [4] despite its immense size.
The bioweapons that are launched from a Vargr Moon have a difficult time telling friend from foe, making it exceedingly unwise to use them to support invasions or bolster defenses.
Only the outer shell can withstand the immense heat and gravity of a star. If a hole where punched through the shell below the surface of the star, plasma would flood the growth chamber, killing everything inside.

How many Slots do YOU think it takes up?:
With the new rules? 2? It should be noted that I'm downgrading the void distortion cannon into a nonsuperweapon superweapon. Er, that is to say it is just going to be an overly powerful cannon and no longer capable of taking out an entire planet in one shot.

[1] The average length for these creatures is 9 miles.
[2] This is a swarm and not a solid object, so fifty miles isn’t really all that big.
[3] Hyperspace field: Bioweapons can use the same organs they use to enter hyperspace to generate a sort of shield. I say that it’s sort of a shield because it doesn’t actually stop anything. What happens is the field creates a hypercondensed space that enemy fire has to cross before it can reach the creature. So three feet becomes three thousand and the mass round that was going to hit the creature completely misses and goes flying off into space, to destroy some pre-space flight civilization seventeen million years in the future. This field is constantly changing in power and thickness, making it nearly impossible to accurately hit the target.
[4] Fragile does not mean it is easily destroyed. The creature is still massive and its shell can still take quite a pounding. Its just for its size it can be considered fragile.

Theme: www.youtube.com/watch?v=kW3rwy… and www.youtube.com/watch?v=hH26F6…
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admiralnatsilane's avatar

Sounds like Vargr moons mine a star's heavier elements and uses them to create what is effectively a ginormous Tyranid Hive Fleet. I bet Vargr moons have civilian applications too, as they are probably used for mass-producing any bionanotech (or bionanofemtotech) imaginable. Emperor Garren must be far more megalomaniacal than Hitler to attack the Immortal Empire. If it wasn't for that smuggled Union supernova missile, the Capitol would have probably been conquered by the Immortal Empire and that would in all likelihood improve things greatly for Capitol civilians as they may find themselves living in a post-scarcity society. Awesome!